The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

On the day that I was to graduate from Teacher's College-with a BS in Education, I was called to the Office of the President. To say I was scared is putting it mildly! However, after our greetings, he got to the point of our meeting and said "Vera you are now on the first rung of the Ladder of Education. Make it your goal to climb that ladder! I challenge you!" His message remained with me throughout my forty five years in the field of education-as a teacher, administrator-on to the present day. At Penn State, College of Education, I received an additional challenge - the education of teachers who were working toward a degree. That was possibly one of the greatest experiences of my entire career and most interesting and challenging. After receiving my MED, I returned to teaching - became a Vice Principal, Assistant Professor and am now enjoying my camp on Westport Island, Maine. I patiently await the arrival of the Penn State Football Team and Joe-when they return to TV in the fall.